The School of Computing and Data Science is committed to high-quality education and training of computing professionals at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. At the postgraduate level, we offer five taught programmes based on coursework, the MDASC, the MSc(CompSc), the MSc(ECom&IComp), the MSc(FTDA) and the MStat, as well as the research-based MPhil and PhD programmes.
The academic staff is active in research and development in a variety of areas including databases, parallel and distributed computing, computer networks, computer graphics, algorithms and complexity, computer vision, multimedia, software engineering, statistical computing, information security and computer forensics, and legal aspects of computing. Some of our research results have been applied to the development of real software and systems. You will have these researchers as your inspiring professors of the courses in this programme. Here are some of them.
Cautis Bogdanclose
Master (École Polytechnique), PhD (Paris-Sud)
Field of Research
Data management, Data mining
Chan Annie W.H.close
Field of Research
Forensic Investigation, Fraud
Chan B.M.Y.close
Field of Research
Algorithms, Neural Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing
Chan P.S.close
Field of Research
Fraud Analytics, Computer Security
Cheng R.C.K.close
PhD (Purdue)
Field of Research
Database and Uncertainty Management
Chim T.W.close
PhD (HK)
Field of Research
Network Security and Cryptography
Chin F.Y.L.close
BASc Toronto; MSc, MA, PhD Princeton; FIEEE, FHKIE, FHKACE Hon Emeritus and Honorary Professor
Field of Research
Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Machine Learning and Bioinformatics
Choi L.Y.K.close
PhD (HK)
Field of Research
Medical Visualization, Geometric Computing, Computer Graphics
Chow K.P.close
PhD (UC Santa Barbara)
Field of Research
Computer Forensics, Digital Investigation, Data Privacy, Computer Security
Chung W. Y.close
PhD (The University of Arizona)
Field of Research
Business analytics, information systems, social media analytics, business intelligence, machine learning, cybersecurity, data and text mining, Web analytics, knowledge management, and human-computer interaction
Ebler Daniel close
BSc(Eng), MSc ETH; PhD HK
Field of Research
Quantum Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computation, Quantum Causality, Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
Kao B.C.M.close
PhD (Princeton)
Field of Research
Database Management Systems, Data Mining, Real-time Systems, Information Retrieval Systems
Lam T.W.close
PhD (Washington)
Field of Research
Algorithms, Computational Biology
Li F.K.F.
Li F.K.F.close
MSc (HK)
Field of Research
Computer Forensics, Malware Analysis
Luo Bill T.close
Field of Research
Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Video Processing
Mamoulis N.close
PhD (HK)
Field of Research
Spatial Database, Data Engineering
Ng P.T.L.close
MBA (Birmingham)
Field of Research
Financial Computing
Pan J.close
PhD North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Field of Research
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
Pun K.K.H.close
PhD (Illinois); LLB, LLM (London)
Field of Research
Information Technology Law, e-Commerce, e-Crimes, Computerization of Law
Rahmel J.H.close
PhD (Kaiserslautern)
Field of Research
Artificial Intelligence, Financial Services
Schnieders D.close
PhD (HK)
Field of Research
Computer Vision, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition
Shum C.D.
Shum C.D.close
PhD (California)
Field of Research
Financial Computing
Sozio Mauroclose
PhD (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
Field of Research
Graph Mining, Social Network Analysis, Streaming Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Ting H.F.close
PhD (Princeton)
Field of Research
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Tse T.H.close
PhD (London)
Field of Research
Program Testing, Debugging, and Analysis
Yiu S.M.close
PhD (HK)
Field of Research
Bioinformatics, Computer Security and Cryptography
Yiu S.W.close
PhD (UC Berkeley)
Field of Research
Computer and Network Security
Zhang J. R.close
Ph.D. (Toronto)
Field of Research
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Mathematical Finance, Machine Learning